Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Scrabble Ring Tutorial: including tricks of the trade!

 I seriously think scrabble rings are the easiest jewelry to make and the possibilities are endless! I have even made one using a friend's business image! 

So as promised, here is my take on how to make your very own Scrabble Rings. I know there are many tutorials out there on how to make these adorable little doodads, but I'm hoping you will like mine better!

You will need:
  • cutting mat and x-acto blade (optional, you can also use a plain ol' pair of scissors for cutting, but I find that the x-acto blade delivers a precise and clean cut every time.)
  • glue of choice (jewelry glue is my little secret, but the choice is yours!)
  • Mod Podge's Dimensional Magic (although resin is the way to go if you want perfect results, the Dimensional Magic does a great job as well and is easier to work with, meaning you don't have to mix chemicals.)
  • A standard scrabble tile
  • ring base
  • Graphic of choice
  • Toothpick 

Next, take your graphic and cut it down to size. Center the image to the tile and glue.

 Here I will tell you another secret that other tutorials often don't mention: make sure you apply a protective coating onto your image at this stage. You can use anything, Mod Podge, craft sealant or varnish. Because if you don't protect the image, the glaze will cause damage and ruin the finished product. Let the image dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Once the tile has dried, turn the tile over and trim the edges down using the x-acto blade. 

Now take the bottle of Dimensional Magic and slowly begin to pour the glaze onto the tile surface. 
It is important to be patient here and apply slowly, a few drops at a time, because you don't want the glaze to overflow. 

Make sure to use the bottle tip to spread the glaze as far out to the sides as you can, then take a toothpick and spread the glaze out to the edge of each corner until the entire tile is covered. The glaze is very thick and will not overflow as long as you go slow. Also note that at this point the glaze looks very cloudy, but will clear up nicely once it dries.

Now comes the toughest part: leave the tile alone! Once the glaze is poured try not to move the tile until it has set and cured. I always let it cure at least 3 days.  

Once cured, the glaze will harden and become clear. You can now flip the tile over, apply glue to the back and stick the ring base on. Give another day for the glue to set. 

Voila! You just created a totally funky piece of jewelry! Get creative with the graphics, you can use pretty much anything! Scrapbooking paper, old photos, or even design your own. 

If you decide to give it a try, I would love to hear about it. And as always, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy! :)